

An emphasis on diversity is at the core of who we are as a firm and is central to how we work. We believe that diverse, equitable and inclusive organisations have greater strength, resilience and legitimacy. That’s what we want to deliver for our clients.

Our appointment statistics speak for themselves. We get results.

56 %
31 %
People of the Global Majority


Central to our efforts is the collection and use of data. After all, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. We conduct detailed diversity monitoring across all our processes and use this to identify areas where we need to improve our reach.

At the conclusion of each proactive search, we produce a written report showing the aggregate profile of the candidates who applied in relation to ten characteristics raging from age and religion to ethnicity and sexual orientation. Throughout our work with you, we will keep revisiting the diversity of the field – particularly in relation to gender and ethnicity – at regular structured intervals.

A Toolkit for Inclusive Recruitment

Are you looking to design an open, inclusive recruitment approach, but can't decide where to start? Are you looking for ways to challenge or improve your existing hiring processes? Our Inclusive Recruitment Toolkit is a succinct and accessible collection of practical ways to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the area of talent acquisition. It has been downloaded over 7,000 times. 

View our Toolkit


Society has been lucky enough to advise some of the leading champions of equality, for example assisting Stonewall on their Chief Executive and Chair appointments. We were a founding signatory of the Voluntary Code of Conduct for Executive Search Firms, an initiative aimed at securing a higher number of female appointments at Board level.

Our colleagues are vocal and engaged allies in important discussions around movements such as Black Lives Matter, for example appearing on podcasts and hosting webinars. We also host paid works placements through the 10,000 Black Interns scheme.


The work of creating a diverse team begins with embedding a culture of equity and inclusion.

Get in touch

Upon request, we can design entirely bespoke search and selection processes that both demonstrate your DEI commitment and assesses candidate fluency around this agenda. If you have concerns about unconscious bias, then we can provide name-blind and salary-blind longlisting.

Case Studies

Resources and Insights


We regularly pick a different historically under-represented group to focus on with our #DEIBites series. This is a platform through which we learn ways to improve our practice, and share our findings with others.

Explore DEI Bites