Oxfam appoints a new Head for their Economic Justice Policy Team

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Hannah Stoddart as Head of the Economic Justice Policy Team at Oxfam GB.
Hannah joins Oxfam from the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, where she was Deputy Director, and Head of Policy and Advocacy. She helped to found the Water and Climate Coalition - a global advocacy group raising awareness of the impacts of climate change on water resources - as well as pioneering the ‘Global Transition 2012’ initiative with the New Economics Foundation.
Hannah’s team at Oxfam leads the flagship GROW campaign, which is calling for food justice in a resource-constrained world with a focus on sustainable agriculture, land and water resource constraints, food prices and climate change. Hannah manages the strategic policy direction of the GROW campaign within Oxfam GB, and is responsible for ensuring that GROW advocacy results in concrete policy change that improves the lives of poor people globally.