National Children's Bureau hires new Strategic Director for External Affairs
Phillip Anderson has been hired as the next Strategic Director for External Affairs at National Children’s Bureau.

National Children’s Bureau is a multifaceted organisation that brings people and organizations together to improve the lives of children in the UK, with specialist expertise across early years, social care, mental health, and special education needs. The Strategic Director for External Affairs will tell NCB’s story from the playground to parliament, with strategic oversight of policy and communications, and lead on stakeholder management with a view to position NCB as a trusted convener within the sector.
Society conducted a broad search across the not-for-profit and wider public sector, identifying senior, strategic professionals with experience across policy and influencing, or communications and campaigns, or both, and who could demonstrate a passion for supporting young people.
Eventually, Phillip Anderson was appointed to the role. Phillip held a variety of roles at the Department of Health and Social Care. More recently, he worked for Prostate Cancer UK and MS Society, where he was Head of Policy and Evidence.
Phil Commented:
"I am delighted to be joining the National Children's Bureau. Children, young people, their families and carers are facing huge challenges right now but the history of this fantastic organization shows that progress is possible. I can't wait to get started with my brilliant new colleagues to make that happen. I'm really grateful to Society for their outstanding support through the process, especially providing such a clear explanation of the role and being so responsive to queries."
We found working with Society really helpful in our search for a Strategic Director of External Affairs. They communicated really well with us and through them we made a fantastic appointment.

Anna Feuchtwang
CEO of National Children’s Bureau