CAST hires new Treasurer

CAST provides direct support to charities, funders and other civil society organisations around digital development, and incubates Catalyst, a major collaborative to accelerate UK civil society’s resilience through digital, data and design.
Having recently led a Board growth campaign for CAST, we now focused on securing a Treasurer to chair their Finance and Audit Committee and to support the board and team with financial analysis as CAST grows.
We spoke with some fantastic strategic finance professionals working in the not-for-profit and creative industries, leading to Prue Quarcoo’s appointment. Prue impressed for her financial insight through growth, and passion for equity in society and social mobility.
Prue works as the Group Head of Reporting (UK) and sits on the Management Board at GroupM UK, the world's leading media investment group. She is also a mentor and a secondary school Governor.
Prue commented: “I’m really excited to take my first appointment on a charity board and even more excited about it being with CAST. We share so many values and passions around creating social change for the better. The work that CAST does with the social sector is tangible, measurable and will make significant impacts in society as a whole. The team are driven and so committed. CAST brings together a vast amount of knowledge, skills and experience from a diverse set of backgrounds.
Working with Society was an absolute pleasure. The process was well organised, with clear and concise communications. Made even better by the fact they were lovely to work with.”