
Society colleagues complete the STEPtember challenge

STEPtember is a global health and wellness fundraising event supporting life-changing cerebral palsy research.

This year Society stepped up and took the 10k STEPS A DAY challenge.

Together, we helped move life-changing research and innovation forward for 18 million people with cerebral palsy worldwide and a million people in the US so thank you to everyone at Society who stepped up in every possible way to make a difference!

We raised a total of $1,248.94 as a business and took the equivalent of 4,663,606 steps.

Funds raised during STEPtember support the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation (CPARF), the foremost non-profit in the world focusing on research and innovation for cerebral palsy. CPARF brings science to life to uncover and change what's possible for cerebral palsy, including work in the following areas:

Early Detection and Intervention

Children with CP often aren't diagnosed until they are between a year and half and two years old. We are funding research to give children with CP the best possible start.

Technology and Innovation

25% of people with CP cannot talk. We are partnering with neurologists and funding science that will transform the way people with CP communicate and move. We are also supporting research that will revolutionize CP diagnosis and treatment.


We are funding research to uncover possible genetic components of CP, which will optimize individual treatments for people with CP.

Chronic Pain

We are funding studies to find the underlying causes of CP-related pain and discover new non-addictive, non-opioid treatments.

If you want to discover the impact of our fundraising and generosity, you can visit their website below or follow Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation on social media. They’ve got some exciting things coming up, including a new podcast episode and World CP Day.

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