Professor & Head of the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science

Competitive dependent upon experience, further details available within the attached candidate pack
London, United Kingdom
Midday GMT on Thursday, 27 February 2025
UCL is one of the world's top universities. Based in the heart of London, it is a modern, outward-looking institution. At its establishment in 1826, UCL was radical and responsive to the needs of society, and this ethos – that excellence should go hand-in-hand with enriching society – continues today. UCL is proud of its longstanding commitment to equality and to providing a learning, working and social environment in which the rights and dignity of its diverse members are respected.
UCL is seeking a Professor and Head of the UCL Department of Security and Crime Science. To fill the role, we are looking for individuals of international standing with a background in leading edge research obtained in university or in an advanced role in industry or the policing and security sector.
The Department of Security and Crime Science is one of ten academic Departments in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. It is the first university department in the world devoted to reducing crime and other risks to personal and national security through the discipline of crime science. The department’s multidisciplinary research spans across the social and physical sciences and has a strong focus on working with policymakers and practitioners to create real world impact. Current research specialisms include crime reduction, spatial crime analysis, cybercrime, forensic science, policing, human trafficking & exploitation, terrorism & organised crime and future crime. The department’s teaching programmes are based around the need to develop sophisticated analytical techniques and evidence-based strategies to understand, detect and counter crime and security vulnerabilities. Further information about the Department and the Faculty of Engineering can be found in the attached candidate pack.
The successful candidate will have an outstanding track record and an orientation to academic and strategic management. We are looking for a leader with a clear vision for research and education in the discipline of security and crime science. They will be a strong strategist, an excellent leader, and an effective manager of people and complex relationships. They will have the ability to work as part of a strong and collaborative Faculty team.
Appointment to the role of Professor is a permanent position. Appointment to the role of Head of Department is offered for a term of 5 years in the first instance, with the potential for renewal of a further term.
We will consider applications to work on a part-time, flexible and job share basis wherever possible. For applicants that wish to apply as a job share, please note that both candidates will be required to fully complete their application separately. If they are invited to interview, they will also attend this separately.
UCL is being assisted in this appointment by the executive search firm Society. Applications should consist of a CV and covering letter. The deadline for applications is midday GMT on Thursday, 27 February 2025. Shortlisted individuals will be asked to present to the department on Thursday, 27 March 2025, ahead of formal panel interviews on Friday, 28 March 2025. Ideally, the preferred candidate will start in October 2025.
For a confidential discussion, please reach out to Alyce Brogan on alyce.brogan@society-search.com or +44 (0) 20 3653 0475.